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Luma Grothe in a Bikini Photoshoot of the Day

Luma Grothe is an actual model with 300,000 followers.

Luma Grothe is Brazilian, 30 years old, which doesn’t give the same old lady vibes 30 used to give, I guess we’ve progressively aged out women and accepted it or normalized it, because there was a time when 30 meant death to hot chicks in the industry…

I blame social media for not letting any of the celebrities die off, so that we’re still looking at these stragglers like J.Lo trying to make jerk off content for you perverts too lazy to find hot chicks.

Anyway, she’s in a photoshoot with the photographer who still does hot bikini content, Cameron Hammond, for a brand called Bikini Lovers and boners, despite being 30, happened…

As it turns out, I like hot models who look like models doing bikini shoots as models!

Posted in:Luma Grothe