I'll Make You Famous…




Katy Perry’s Weird AI Tits of the Day

Katy Perry may be the first “artist” and I use the word “artist” very fucking lightly, since she’s clearly a fucking try hard hack who does anything she can to get noticed, seen, or monetized. There is no artistry in the brainwashing tacts her marketing team do, she is just there as a body doing it.

So yeah, she probably hates AI, but without it, would these marketing pictures of herself as some space robot weirdness be something you’re able to jerk off to. Probably….your low standards….

We can only hope that Katy Perry’s ego gets a solid reality check when she launches her new song that she’s been working on for a long time, one that she’s decided to leave her hosting gig at American Idol for, because she’s seen rival Taylor Swift make billions on her tour, and for some reason feels competitive enough to take her on…

Her tits are better, but her music is trash, her dancing is trash, her creative direction all diversions from her ugly face and lack of talent, trash…yet people still fucking love her.

The good news is her tits, which are her only thing going for her are being used hard in the marketing of this new pop venture she is revisiting…since we like tits.

The bad news is that they are on Katy Perry and not cut off and touring on their own, so to see them, we have to deal with her sadness.

She is in her 40s, so the stripping down thanks to Ozempic is weird, but she’s got a florida mom in the trailer park on meth who does bodybuilding while on meth to get the gains vibe, which is meaningful to me.

This may be some of her best work, a career of shit to lead up to more shit, but finally with the proper use of the tits.

She released a video of this shit where she is mocking amputees and paralyzed people who need this kind of robotic equipment to walk….ABLEIST CUNT.

Posted in:Katy Perry