I'll Make You Famous…




Charly Jordan’s Tits of the Day

Charly Jordan is some Gen Z tiktok sensation from Vegas who we’ll assume went viral for her provocative dance moves….shaking her ass half naked while lip synching to songs for CHINA to BRAINWASH America through short form content.

She ended up deciding to be a DJ, since DJing doesn’t really require any work, the computer does it all for you, not like back in the days of buying records and only being able to DJ if you were rich, now the spotify and AI do it for you, so that you can just get booked thanks to having that built in audience and ability to dance around half naked and lip synching….

She has a Vegas residency, tours and is important….because she’s transitioning to “actress” and has a few notches in her acting belt already…

She recently had a sex tape she was actively participating in the filming of leaked to the internet, I am sure leaked by her in hopes of a viral moment, but we’re too desensitized to care about anyone’s self produced sex tape…

At this stage in the game, we’ve seen it all and it’d have to be pretty extreme sex to actually matter….not some staged shameless bullshit with her rich kid pretty boy boyfriend who watches himself the entire time because he’s pretty queer and probably sent the video to all his boyfriends…

I won’t post the stolen sex tape, but I will however post these titty pics, because I don’t like taking the bait.

Posted in:Charly Jordan