I'll Make You Famous…




Chelsea Handler Uses Tits to Sell Tickets of the Day

The real question that one must ask themselves when they come across Chelsea Handler, who was at one time extremely successful for her brand of cunty comedy, she even had a hit show that women everywhere loved almost as hard as they loved Sex and The City….

But yeah, the real question one must ask themselves is whether Handler using her fake tits in a bikini top as clickbait is her making a parody or a joke about girls who use their tits to get noticed, while using her tits to get noticed…you know sophisticated comedy….


Does Handler actually think she’s hot, while her old and cummed on far too many times belly hangs out to off-set any level of hotness the tits would have.

It’s possible she thinks she’s hot due to loving herself and the success she’s had…you know you have to be a bit of a freak to be one of these famous people who think people care to begin with….

But I think it’s more of a joke she laughs about because she knows tits get hits….and hopefully ticket sales for her struggling tour that needs all the help it can get because she’s actually not nearly as good as she thinks she is in comedy…or in tits…

Either way…it happened…and despite showing tit to get noticed…she sucks….and her sucking is probably why she’s here showing tit to us today!

Posted in:Chelsea Handler