I'll Make You Famous…




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

In the event I haven’t talked about it enough, since I don’t have that much excitement going on in my life and pussy in tight pants in public is one of my few pleasures…

For whatever reason, the new generation of 20 year old chicks are skinny hot chicks into working out and being hot, like being hot is in again….

At least the ones who are rocking the tight pants, thigh gaps, allowing me to see their meaty pussy in all the glory….

I am sure some 20 year olds have gone fat, trans, pink hair, woke, communist and weird, but lucky for us, that’s just made a whole other group embrace being hot, own being hot, and walk around cunt first for me to see as much vagina as I can through pants and I love them all for it.

The future is bright.

Posted in:Pussy Wedgie