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Padma Lakshmi Old Lady Half Naked of the Day

Along with posting weak anti-trump memes, Padma Lakshmi poses half naked for no real reason besides wanting to show off her old lady tits to her pervert fans.

Dreams of getting “DESI” and “LINDA” written in her comments by her core fans from India who aren’t bots.

Padma Lakshmi is a bit of a scumbag, not because she posts anti-Trump memes, people have the right to post whatever they want in this free-speech era….it’s just surprising she’s so Anti-Trump considering her financial ties to some pretty serious republicans over the years.

You see, she likes the SUPER fucking rich and when she got knocked up with her last billionaire’s kid, she was gaming a dying billionaire into thinking it was his, so that when he died he’d leave the kid with the inheritance, regardless of not being the father….only for the actual father to be a DELL from DELL computers, so that the kid gets double the inheritance, validating her pussy.

So the guy she gamed, which may have been triggered by REPUBLICAN hate, but probably more by the fact he was a billionaire was named Teddy Forstmann, he owned a bunch of shit and was involved in George H.W. Bush’s re-election campaign in 1992….so yeah…Padma’s a lot of bullshit…

But she’s got old lady tits that she’s being paid to show off by a brand…


Posted in:Padma Lakshmi