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Kim Kardashian’s Plus Sized Geriatric Lingerie Shoot of the Day

Kim Kardashian decided to give you a taste of her youth, by bringing a 1950s style pinup shoot like she used to do back in the 50s, when she was in her 20s, before she aged out and rotted….because she’s old as shit…a fucking granny ass, with a great granny pussy, cuz it’s been through so much in it’s long drawn out life she’s shoved down our fucking throats…this is dementia granny getting wild at the old folks home not realizing she’s no longer a burlesque dancer during the war in Eastern Europe, hired by the German military to service their men and keep them in good spirits. .

Kim Kardashian is a monster, who doesn’t seem to die, but who keeps on brining half naked pornography, that is a very specific senior citizen kind of pornography, without any real shame or care that the rest of us normal people out here find it vile and disgusting.

It’s like sit on your pile of money, use that pile of money to hire hot chicks, yet she JUST can’t help herself.

Posted in:Kim Kardashian