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Nina Dobrev Drops the Crutch and Pulls Out the Tits for Canada Day of the Day

It is Canada Day, a national holiday to celebrate maple syrup, people who speak funny, Tim Hortons and everything else amazing about Canada….a list slowly getting shorter and shorter since the oppressive regime has taken over..but maybe I’m just a right-wing extremist, even though we don’t have wings here in Canada…we just have canoes.

But yeah, since I’m a right-wing extremist according to the fags at Starbucks who had a sign drawn up for pride covering every single sexual dysfunction that is outside of being a straight male, so no “guy who loves tits” but instead the words that line up with the LGBTQ and all the words in their catchall “+” marketing scheme…just none that are straight or normal…but instead creepy and weirder and weirder…

I’m that guy….not a blue haired tranny who cuts off his dick….and cries when Jeff Probst of Survivor calls the whole cast of Survivor “Guys”….but rather someone who is anti over-reach, destruction of nation, taxaton, over-liberalism, destruction of the family etc….Nina Dobrev represents a lot that is wrong with the country….

She immigrated to Canada because it was easy, her family leached off the system or took advantage of the easy route into North America, only to have her fuck off when she had the opening to go to America as a Canadian, not some Communist….

Only to make her millions in the USA, where she pays her taxes, unless she’s structured in some scheme where she doesn’t pay taxes, only to not contribute back to Canada because why would she, she just fucked us and left us with those titties….

As it turns out, I don’t mind being fucked and left with those titties….because I don’t actually care about immigration, destruction of nations, or any of that cuz I am more into looking at tits….a far better distraction while far smarter people than me monetize from our ignorance being bliss until it’s not.

Posted in:Nina Dobrev