I'll Make You Famous…




Ozempic Granny Katy Perry Panty Flash of the Day

I may be creeped out by Ozempic Katy Perry who decided that she’s not too old, despite being in her 40s, to go after another hit album or tour, in some kind of cash grab that I hope backfires because I can’t be the only person who can’t stand everything that is Katy Perry….her music, her image, her looks and even her tits, which are her most celebrated asset aren’t that fucking great…

I think they hype around her tits is really basic and based on the fact that nothing else about her is impressive or interesting so we as a people are told she’s magical by the powers that push this shit on us, so our brains HAVE to find something to latch onto and it’s usually tits.

I don’t know if you’ve ever fucked a gross chick, but I have, and the only way to bust is if you fixate on her least gross part….if that’s her nipple, her mouth, her chin, I don’t fucking care…

So Katy Perry fucking us with that shit music, makes us do the same thing so that we can accept the marketing lie….since her tits ARE NOT THAT GREAT.

Seeing her step up promotion and attention seeking harder than she has in years is desperation to me, but to her fans it’s probably exciting….

The only good thing about it is that she realized she needed to slim down, so she’s not doing this as an old fat chick, but instead an old chick trying to compensate for being old…

So when she releases her attention seeking smut, it’s less irritating…

Or when she stages an old school PANTY FLASH from our era of trashy celebs…it’s appreciated, even by the likes of me, who hate this clunky cunt….

A panty flash getting out of a car at an event…that shit is TIMELESS no matter the cunt being entrapped by the panty being flashed…

Posted in:Katy Perry