I'll Make You Famous…




Ozempic Granny Katy Perry With her Pants Off of the Day

I guess you’d expect a dementia granny to be walking around the old folks home in her underwear, unsure of where she is or what she’s about to say….it’s probably a lot better than when you’re waken up in the middle of the night by one who lives next door, screaming at you because of their dementia terrors, forcing you to do the only humane thing you can and that’s slip the panties to the side and stick your fingers in, you know because when life gives you opportunity when you forget to lock the door…fuck it.

Katy Perry is attempting another go at her highly lucrative and popular pop career and I am hoping the world as a collective have realized she’s an old, outdated, out of touch, clunky clown who belongs at the local mall fairgrounds and not on the world stage.

She sees Taylor Swift getting it done and assumes she can make it happen for herself, unable to grasp that her first go was just a fluke, a one hit wonder they’ve ridden really hard because it’s made many people lots of money.

You probably don’t know this or care, but Katy Perry tried to do us all a favor back in 2013 when she tried to hire everyone working the Taylor Swift tour, to leave Taylor Swift without a crew so that her tour would have been forced to cancel….

Unfortunately, that story makes me like Katy Perry due to hating Taylor Swift, but I actually hate Katy Perry More…so the hope is her vindictive tour fails.

Anyway, the fat bitch with the barely fat enough tits to justify all this, has slimmed down due to hard diet and exercise and OZEMPIC because she’s lazy and I don’t think that makes her any less clunky.

I have a feeling she’s realizing how done she is, how old she is, how over she is and how she should just retire gracefully with all her money and opportunities….because she posted a video of her polishing trophies as part of an ad campaign, or maybe to prove she’s relatable cuz she dusts things, but it’s a terrible flex….forgetting that no one cares about these bullshit awards but the people who get them, since they are meaningless….but more importantly, the only way I want to see these 5 trophies are up inside her, being polished by her acidic pussy juice…..

Fuck Katy Perry and not in the way you want to fuck Katy Perry, in the OTHER way…

She’s still old and gross even less fat…but check out that cameltoe…


Posted in:Katy Perry