I'll Make You Famous…




Starting the Day with Britney Spears Creepiness of the Day

I have decided that Britney Spears is basically a premise of some kind of evil horror movie, where the girl was created by the industry in the Disney Cloning labs and the second she started going off course from their scheduled programming and became unpredictable, they killed her off, replaced her with a body double or medicated the fuck out of her under some conservatorship of her handler, who cared so much about her well being that they basically farmed her out to the world performing, the one place a jacked up on meds girl would do if she was living in a brothel and her pimp needed to make his rent money.

Anyway, I like to think this gapped tooth Britney they pretend is free is an imposter we’ve just accepted as Britney because we are dumb and believe what we are sold.

She feels like she produces hostage videos as she dances and tugs on her shorts….awkwardly and not like a top pop star would…

But her thick neck. and downward facing nipples make me think it is actually the real Britney….it’s just a lot sadder when it’s not some elaborate conspiracy of murder, body doubles, medication, scandal….and instead just some destroyed victim of abuse trying to figure it out weirdly…..

Regardless of whether this is Britney, AI, or a body double, whoever this is doesn’t run her social media…there are SINISTER forces at play.

Posted in:Britney Spears