I'll Make You Famous…




Jennifer Garner Produces the Least Sexual Pool Content of the Day

Jennifer Garner is the kind of celebrity that has give about 3 boners in her entire career to about 4 people, 3 of which are dead and the other one is a full retard.

What I am saying is that Jennifer Garner, like Taylor Swift, is just a ZERO hot celebrity.

Which is weird, because she was married to Ben Affleck for such a long time and that dude’s one of those studs that women throw their vaginas at. Vaginas that Jennifer Garner probably let him explore because she realized she couldn’t provide the sex appeal, but did provide the babies in which she probably wanted to make as normal of a home for, so he could do what he wanted so long as he came home to them after his fun and exciting benders with actual hot chicks…

You see, a zero sex appeal wife is great when she knows it and lets you fuck the sluts with sex appeal…

I’m not surprised that the star is in the pool, in a swimsuit, producing content that is zero hot….which is actually challenging to do when in the pool and in a swimsuit even when old and/or fat….making this some kind of achievement….the worst kind of achievement.

Posted in:Jennifer Garner