I'll Make You Famous…




Katy Perry’s Half Naked With her Tits Out for Attention of the Day

Does Ozempic once and all of a sudden Katy Perry can play the titty whore she’s always wanted to play, but was too shy to play, because she had thick and disgusting cankles and a gut…

This Ozempic puts SPANX to shame in this era of old ladies whoring…

I get that this is an attempt to get noticed again before it’s too late, but I can assure you this is not her last attempt.

The sick thing in all this is that some of you are excited by her tits on her skinnier old lady Katy Perry body, because you’ve got worms in your brains that are telling you she’s hot, because the frequencies in which the media communicate with those worms in your brain are inaudible to the average human who not-so-coincidently thinks Katy Perry is a pig…

She’s a lot too old for this reckless and weirdness, but the tits are out…doesn’t mean I don’t want her run at Taylor Swift to fail miserably because the world’s realized she isn’t that good….it just means…old or not, she’s not fat and has tits…so do what you will with said information…

Posted in:Katy Perry