I'll Make You Famous…




Britney Spears is Still Dancing of the Day

While people are fighting over nonsense conspiracies about who tried to kill Trump, whether it was some lone 20 year old Incel, or some hired actor from either Trump or Biden’s corner in hopes of either eliminating a threat, or bringing new sympathy through marketing..

I’m more interested in the Britney Spears conspiracy….probably because I think all politicians are evil forces that are illegally put in place to keep us slaves and they represent all that is wrong in the world or at least in our FREEDOM…

While the FREE Britney conspiracy is far more sinister and confusing….

Only because the content she posts of herself dancing half naked is creepy and weird….

It could be old content, it could be fake content, it could be body double content….just keeping her alive and FREE through social media posts on a social media account she deactivates weekely…

It doesn’t feel like it’s very FREE BRITNEY but rather prisoner of WAR Britney…and these are the things that MATTER.

Posted in:Britney Spears