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Kate Beckinsale’s Frail Old Lady Erotica of the Day

Kate Beckinsale is bringing the fetish content to the pervert fans.

The frail old lady who spent a month in the hospital because her throat had a bleeding wound from either sucking dick or puking, leaving her all weak and skinny at 50 years old……

She still looks good to me, the power of instagram filters, fillers, staying out of the sun, being a vampire, my appreciation for skinny chicks even when they’re too old….but I am also a pervert….

The frail look not only makes your dick look bigger, but it’s too weak and tired to run from you…..and since 99 percent of the sex I’ve had would now be categorized as sexual assault by a libtard cat lady….weak and frail is appealing….

What isn’t appealing is the whole menopause thing, not because you can’t knock her up, but kinda, since knocking up a 50 year old Kate Beckinsale would be exciting, it’s just that as people who aren’t fucking the dried up cooz, the menopause isn’t practical birth control it’s a sign of infertile, too old to breed which by definition isn’t very sexy….a bitch who doesn’t ovulate is a little gay to be turned by….but since it’s Beckinsale, and she’s skinny and trying hard, her menopause cunt is probably better than many fertile younger women because she’s famous, hot and skinny….assuming she’s not too skinny for that dry uterus to have nothing supporting it and keeping it inside her….

She produced some half nakedness….that’s the point of this story of a well travelled famous vagina that is potentially dying of whatever disease…

Posted in:Kate Beckinsale