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Archive for the Kate Beckinsale Category




Kate Beckinsale Slutty Old Lady Weirdness of the Day

Not that you care, but Kate Beckinsale was trying to DOXX or turn her audience on a Daily Mail writer for saying something about her bleeding throat and what looks like a terminal illness being a result of her mom dying of cancer or some shit…

I know, people have real problems, but when you’re an entitled brat who is ridiculously spoiled, even into her 60s, you think your problems are more important than the rest of us, and then you try to recruit innocent dudes who can’t help but do what they are told by Kate Beckinsale because they love her so much, to basically target and destroy the Daily Mail writer…

It’s like bitch, without the media or her producing constant attention seeking content around herself, she’d BARELY exist…

If anything it’s just a constant cry for attention from her, bored, rich woman with nothing to do but whine about how unfair her celebrity is, while not actually working because of said celebrity…spending her days literally doing NOTHING..with no worries…

ALL while drawing attention to the fact she had a bleeding throat….and couldn’t eat because she was hospitalized…

Then she tries to get everyone’s sympathy about her illnesses, or her mom’s impending death…at 60 years old most people don’t still have parents you whining cunt.

People die, no one cares, we have our own problems, you’re not the only person who has dead parents, grow up you stunted twat or fuck off and show us that Pete Davidson AIDS HOLE…

Here’s the weirdness she’s wasting her time producing to get attention because SHE loves attention…spoony cunt.


Posted in:Kate Beckinsale




Kate Beckinsale in her Bloomers of the Day

Kate Beckinsale in her Bloomers of the Day

Kate Beckinsale is wearing a pair of bloomers, which is appropriate because she’s 300 years old…

This could be one of those dementia brain thing where the old lady who is dying of whatever throat fucking disease that made her throat bleed reverts back to her childhood before being turned into a Vampire….

Then again, since Kate Beckinsale is near dead and skeltal it is possible that what we are looking at is Kate Beckinsale in a thong….it just fits like a pair of bloomers…

The sick thing is that you all still jerk off to Backinsale despite her being sick, near dead, palliative…almost like working the cancer ward for the finger bangs…because you’re the truly sick one, not the dying of cancer motherfuckers…you are sicker than the dying of cancer motherfuckers…SICK…

Posted in:Kate Beckinsale




Kate Beckinsale’s Frail Old Lady Erotica of the Day

Kate Beckinsale is bringing the fetish content to the pervert fans.

The frail old lady who spent a month in the hospital because her throat had a bleeding wound from either sucking dick or puking, leaving her all weak and skinny at 50 years old……

She still looks good to me, the power of instagram filters, fillers, staying out of the sun, being a vampire, my appreciation for skinny chicks even when they’re too old….but I am also a pervert….

The frail look not only makes your dick look bigger, but it’s too weak and tired to run from you…..and since 99 percent of the sex I’ve had would now be categorized as sexual assault by a libtard cat lady….weak and frail is appealing….

What isn’t appealing is the whole menopause thing, not because you can’t knock her up, but kinda, since knocking up a 50 year old Kate Beckinsale would be exciting, it’s just that as people who aren’t fucking the dried up cooz, the menopause isn’t practical birth control it’s a sign of infertile, too old to breed which by definition isn’t very sexy….a bitch who doesn’t ovulate is a little gay to be turned by….but since it’s Beckinsale, and she’s skinny and trying hard, her menopause cunt is probably better than many fertile younger women because she’s famous, hot and skinny….assuming she’s not too skinny for that dry uterus to have nothing supporting it and keeping it inside her….

She produced some half nakedness….that’s the point of this story of a well travelled famous vagina that is potentially dying of whatever disease…

Posted in:Kate Beckinsale




Kate Beckinsale’s Throat Game is Bloody…You Bloody…of the Day

Kate Beckinsale is the 300 year old vampire from the UK who has been sucking the cum of the youth to keep her youthful for a long time, it’s a different kind of vampire, where the human blood is young cum….a premise of a shitty porn I should have written 20 years ago so that I’d be retired in the Florida Keys by now.

Anyway, she’s got a skinny tight body and not just for an old lady, but for any lady….we’ve assumed it’s from anorexia, over fitness, drug addiction, body dysmorphia, giving into the pressures of being a famous hot chick that has a nerdy fan base that expect her to be a skinny hot chick will into her 70s.

So when she posted a perverted old lady at the home dancing in her underwear because she has dementia and still thinks she’s in her 20s working at the burlesque theatre in Missouri….a dude made a standard “did you dance your ass off” joke….you know the one, it’s what you ask a flat assed girl in the bar when dancing to get her to sit on your face via the NEGATIVE hit…..you know the “I will prove you that my ass is perfectly fine, sir, because appeasing the male and being validated by the male is what I am wired for…..so let me sit on your face, master”….

Anyway, Beckinsale got defensive in the comments, told the homie that the reason she’s skinny is because her dad died, her stepfather died, her mom got cancer (GET ANOTHER SHOT IDIOTS)…..and that she had to play the role of someone who lost her father because she’s about 60 years old and her parents would likely be the “Should already be dead age”….

So all the stress lead to her sucking dick so hard, so deep, it burned a hole through her esophagus….or maybe it’s the post nasal drip from the bad cocaine…or maybe it’s GERD…or maybe it’s COVID…

All this to say, she was puking up blood on cocks….and survived, despite the hospitalization, which is probably less embarrassing than the hospitalization a girl I know had because she took a dick too big for her and it split her cooter up into her asshole like birthing twins…forcing a government funded labiaplasty…

FUN, but not as fun as all the inspiration quotes she’s posting to her instagram story, the kind that make you KNOW bitch is crazy….

Not to mention, being defensive for having the body of an 18 year old who hasn’t quite hit puberty yet at 70 is nothing to be defensive about, small asses on skinny chicks can be a great time in part because skinny chicks, especially in their 70s are really easy to fist, no fat to get in the way of the direct line to the uterus, or where the uterus once was when she was still fertile.

Posted in:Kate Beckinsale




Kate Beckinsale Shitting Out a Window of the Day

Kate Beckinsale posted a video that the official story states is her mooning a department store the day that her cat Clyde a year ago but I like to think she’s shitting out of the window as part of some celebrity fetish because just not showing us that part, because that’s a far weirder fetish or thing to do and these celebrities have to level up their fetishes in order to get the same thrills normal people would get.

Clyde was actually a pretty interesting cat that she would put into a lot of her content and I was a fan of online presence…I am into the animals of the internet more than I am into the crackheads, the instagram models, the whores and the celebrities of the internet, so when they die, I feel it too….it is a loss for us all…but I guess a bit of a win for us because it gets his owner showing off her ass….not that a dying cat is worth seeing a weirdly shot Beckinsale ass…but if the cat’s going to die anyway, it might as well come her ass.

Posted in:Kate Beckinsale




Kate Beckinsale Cuddles with her Female Friend of the Day

Either Kate Beckinsale is tapping into the trends by producing lesbian clickbait now that everyone is a lesbian.

However, it’s a little sad to be lesbian clickbait, not that Lesbian clickbait is happy, but at least it’s something you can jerk off to if you’re in the right mood and the lesbians aren’t the kind that are built like me, or that have transitioned to me, because those lesbians are boring…but hot lesbians licking each other’s assholes while they ride each other’s faces aren’t…

So, I’m of the school of thought that would like to see some traditional hot old lady divorcee going through menopause deciding to be a lesbian since it’s a fetish not a predisposition….when there is fisting…

This is a little sadder, it could be Beckinsale practicing for when she actually dies off from whatever disease sent her to the hospital….the cuddle that could be a loving friend trying to help her dying friend through it…only fro the dying friend to die…and that’s not a fetish to me, but it could be to you, since the only Beckinsale you’ll ever fuck is the kind you dig up from the cemetery, who will likely be cremated, so the closest you’ll get is dusting your balls with her…


Here are her oversized panties that are possibly child sized panties because she’s living her best near-corpse life….

Posted in:Kate Beckinsale




Kate Beckinsale is Spreading Her Legs of the Day

Kate Beckinsale, the 80 year old you still want to fuck because she looks pretty hot and she’s famous, rich and in movies you like so even if she had died from whatever disease she has, you’d dig her up and fuck yourself with the bones, assuming she’s not getting cremated, but if she is, you’d cum in those too…just you humping granny’s urn like the super fan that you are….

I appreciate her last racy content pieces, her arms look jacked up from IVs, her legs spread in little shorts, using her skinny from disease to her advantage and leaving her online memorial a better place for us all after she’s gone….


Posted in:Kate Beckinsale




Kate Beckinsale is Dying In Shorts of the Day

Kate Beckinsale potentially spent a few months in the hospital dying of whatever diseases she may have accumulated in having anal sex with Pete Davidson back when they were dating.

It is possible that the vampire who doesn’t age too aggressively was getting an overhaul at the hospital, where they are replacing her old engine with new parts to help her continue to be worthy of jerking off.

Terminal illness, which I’ll assume she has since she’s old hasn’t been this jerk-off-able since the time I was working at the old folks trying to get into the wills of the dying grannies in exchange for sex.

Cool short shorts, she’s dressed like a college kid, while being the mom of the college kid, who is probably already graduated from college or at least old enough to be, since Beckinsale is old…

I guess what I am saying is that like a romance movie, I am drawn to terminal illness pussy because it requires lest commitment and you come out of it the sad victim which lures in other pussy that thinks you are broken, sad and in need of love.


Posted in:Kate Beckinsale




Kate Beckinsale’s Old Lady Tongue of the Day

Kate Beckinsale won’t die. She’s old as shit but she’s not rotting at the appropriate speed. It’s safe to assume that she is infact a vampire, maybe not a traditional one, just one who makes kale smoothies with dead babies she buys off her Mexican gardners.

This is strategic hydration, diet, exercise, botox, I don’t know what the fuck is responsible for an old lady to still be hot, but the old lady still be hot.

In this series of photos she is tonguing a man in an Eamonn Holmes mask, I only know that because she tagged Eamonn Holmes, who is an Irish journalist, host of a morning how, presenter, whatever…that may have been fucked by Beckinsale at some point in his life, or who is just a punchline to a very weird joke if you’re not British…

The point of the post is her tongue, set up for you to imagine it in your asshole, which is what the young people Kate Beckinsale dates are into, so you know she does it to compensate for the decomposing smell she’s got.

Posted in:Kate Beckinsale




Kate Beckinsale Does Christmas of the Day

Kate Beckinsale brings in the Satanic Christmas Spirit in being one of those Hollywood types who has sold her soul to the devil to have a career and to not rot out the same way common-folk do, arguably a decent trade off since she’s likely a vampire and her whole eternity in hell, will actually be an eternity on earth before someone stakes her in the heart.

She’s got her tits in a bush up bra and her face done up in a clown-like way that you can assume is filters, or fillers of instagram, giving her the look and the venue to produce her slutty old lady acting like a 20 year old raver in the 90s….you know back when she was in her 40s.

She’s not fat, she’s in goth fetish boots, her tits are out and her old face has been re-jigged thanks to the modern advancements of man and technology, some cyborg AI shit…and it’s weirdly hotter than your family Christmas, especially now that mom is old and seems to like shitting herself at the dinner table in a way you know she’s just trolling you and not actually having accidents….

Posted in:Kate Beckinsale