I don’t know if the dude slapping Kate Beckinsale’s ass is her boyfriend, hired help, door man, or just some random dude walking behind her that looks like he’s slapping her ass, but that’s probably because the only thing I know about Kate Beckinsale is that she’s got some 17 or 18 year old daughter…despite looking young and hot and more importantly like someone that nerds everywhere are obsessed with and have been obsessed with the last decade thanks to being in one nerd movie, because apparently that’s all it takes..
So if you want a sustainable career and fan base, have you kid with a rich guy when you’re 18, so that you get an allowance for the rest of your life, allowing you to focus on having sex with producers who make nerd movies, securing a fan base for the rest of your life, and all you really need to ensure is that you maintain a fit body…and if you’re only job is to work out 2 hours a day…instead of going to some shitty office…it’s not too much to ask…
That said, she still looks good, even if you racists are mad that a man of darker complexion looks like he’s having his way with her because he’s probably rich as fuck…or the door man…I don’t know where this story is going…but look at the pictures..
Posted in:Kate Beckinsale