I'll Make You Famous…




Taylor Swift’s No Ass – Ass Shot of the Day

It’s a tragedy that this Taylor Swift girl, who doesn’t have any sex appeal, but who has seemingly had a lot of sex despite the no sex appeal, because people will have sex with anything that will make a hit song out of the sex apparently…

Seeing her and her non ass bending over on stage is not hot when it’s supposed to be hot….

Yet, she’s the biggest talent or stage act in the game…it just doesn’t add up.

Speaking of not adding up, I saw this picture of Taylor Swift’s boyfriend, some hockey player who is doing it for attention, grabbing at her ass because he’s trying to find her ass…it’s like WHERE DID IT GO….WHY ISN’T IT HERRE….his previous chicks, back before he was being used and using Taylor Swift to level up for financial gain was a typical instagram booty whore….so he’s probably feeling the sadness from this more than we are.

To see the concert pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Taylor Swift