I'll Make You Famous…




Britney Spears Thong of the Day

The biggest news in the country right now is probably not based around Britney Spears, but she’s about as crazy as the rest of them, so why not make it about Britney Spears….

Is the president dead, is the former president a survivor thanks to the grace of god, or was it part of a WWE performance to throw off the entire equilibrium of the plan…..Politics man…is anything real, or is it all an elaborate show to distract us so that they can keep us enslaved, controlled and tricked into think we are free! We have no leaders and are all slaves…

Britney Spears should run for President. Give the people what they actually want, a survivor who escaped modern slavery to be free enough to post pics of her ass on instagram….something some would call a hero…someone who can help us escape the slavery we are under by the machine…..

Normally, the modern slavery forces the girls to perform sex acts against their will with paying customers, you know the whole human trafficking thing…or pay taxes off their wages and on everything they buy….

Britney’s not like other slaves, she’s the kind who wasn’t able to do those sex acts due to her slavery so now that she’s been released from the clutches of her legal team, her management team, her corporate advisors and the machine that was behind creating her…so can be free to do the sex content she always wanted for her feed, for her brand, it’s her name afterall.

Unfortunately, her sex content is weak…and comes in the form of an ass in thoing selfie, that we can’t confirm is even her ass and not some Britney body-double in a wig. We don’t know if that ass is a girl ass or a transgender ass trolling us…there’s just not enough context to the ass.

Her caption, as cryptic and confusing as all her captions reads:

“You know me ??? Me don’t know english … say hello to my ass !!!”

What could she mean, is she sending us messages, is she crazy, is she alive, is this even her, is this picture old, is it AI….we’ll never know….but we can still look at it and accept it as truth, like we do with everything else the media brainwashes us with.

And a video:

Posted in:Britney Spears