I'll Make You Famous…




Bonnie Mueller Gervais is the Instagram Of The Day

Bonnie Mueller Gervais once went by the name Bonnie Mueller….but then a very important French DJ named Cedric Gervais, who is based in Miami and known for such hits as a Lana Del Rey Summertime Sadness Remix that won him a Grammy….which is not quite the same as winning an actual Grammy, who comes to your house to read you bedtime stories and bake you cookies while knitting, but it’s a prestigious award in the music industry.

So Bonnie Mueller, an interchangeable model who probably has done more posing for DJs in the VIP room or their hotel rooms as they come through town, but who is still a signed model for credibility for these DJs to put her on a higher tier than their other record carrying whores…has moved up the food chain.

This is a round up of her totally lifeless and uninspiring pics, her instagram has no personality and might as well be AI, which is really the unfortunate thing with Instagram, some of these girls got in early and didn’t realize that they need to do more than just staged photos once in a while to capture the hearts of the people….the soulless hot chick angle has too much competition…

We’ll still look though…

Image Credit – Instagram

Posted in:Instagram Babe