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Jessica Alba Scratches her Derek Jeter Herpes of the Day

Jessica Alba is a dot com billionaire who was at one time seen as the hottest actress in Hollywood who never got naked.

It was a pre-social media ear where everyone needs to get naked to even get noticed, soon they’ll be teaching high schools and colleges naked to keep people engaged in the content, otherwise they’ll just scroll their feed for other nakeds.

So in this era before OnlyFans, not seeing a girl naked made her 10 times easier to jerk off to, and when she’d drop some bikini pics, the people would freak out and not leave the house for days fapping to the shit….

What a weird concept, the less whorish they are, the hotter they become….but that’s not to say Alba wasn’t getting naked behind the scenes…or that she wasn’t getting her fuck on all the time. Actors aren’t very busy people.

It’s just to say that we never got to see it and one of the herpes cock she put in her was Derek Jeters, giving her that super elite strain of herpes back when having herpes was a status symbol in some circles, while still being some vile gift that keeps on giving in the crackwhore community…

So now that Alba is older, retired, still a whore who doesn’t get naked, she’s out on some luxury trip in her bikini, body still fit despite being old because she’s got nothing better to do…and she’s scratching that herpes pussy for the paparazzi…salt water makes it sting.

Here are some more of those pics…. CLICK HERE

Posted in:Jessica Alba