I'll Make You Famous…




Em Rata Slutty Selfies of the Day

Clown-Faced Em Rata who consistently gets creepier and creepier as she gets more and more cartoon-like, still has those tits.

There is no word as to whether she has learned how to juggle, or if she has other big titty clown faced friends to cram into a tiny car, but that may be her retirement tactics because in the meantime, she’s still gaming the system with the tits.

I don’t really hate Em Rata, she’s a fraud, but she’s got tits and that’s ok…

I don’t find her content compelling or inspiring, it always feel medicated and anti-depressant level with her seriousness.

It’s some try hard trying to be dramatic because showcasing her actual fun or smile makes her even more terrifying….like a creepy Mickey Mouse or some shit.

The only reason issue I have with her low hanging fruit titty smut peddling, is that she’s got a big enough following and actual impact on the lame-street media, and they package her as some kind of ambassador or hero in women’s rights or empowerment.

I just can’t buy into a girl using her tits for money, making that money, being relevant and famous strictly because of the tits, and STILL after all these years and opportunities, even in running her own brand that makes her money….SHE STILL uses the tits to exist…

Yet, she pretends she’s higher concept than other girls showing tits…

Show the fucking tits, celebrate the tits, be rewarded for the tits, but intellectualizing it and trying to play photographers who helped create her tits as s brand now that she’s made it…is just darkness, evil ugly and it takes all the fun out of tits getting hits..

So ultimately, Em Rata fucking sucks as a concept….no matter who clout chases her, or who allows her to clout-chase them….or how cool or awesome or fun she may be in human form…we live on internet behind the screen and that side of her is trash…

Hot tits though…and in one video Em Rat Cow plays a Bille Eilish Charli XCX remix and makes a face about a lesbian reference, despite being a woke libtard where everyone is a lesbian, fag, or genderless tranny for women’s empowerment, which to me, means that she probably fucks Charli XCX at the satanic parties where they both had their rat faces immortalized in pop culture….because they are so liberal…

Posted in:Em Rata