I'll Make You Famous…




Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

Fat chicks may be a common thing in our day to day landscaped.

They are fucking everywhere…

The good news is that there are still a lot of people who are choosing health, wellness and vanity to never allow themselves to get fat.

Surviving and standing out amongst all the fat chicks who are trying to suck hot chicks into being fat chicks because misery enjoys company.

Obviously every fat girl wants every girl to be fat, so they don’t feel so shitty about themselves…and in the process try to reshape society into thinking being fat is ok…

So despite being surrounded by fat, being marketed fat, being propagandized that fat is wonderful…..

It’s safe to say….we don’t need to accept that….

We don’t have to give in…

We can do some Clockwork Orange style shock therapy to prove our point.

This is that.

Posted in:Fatty