I'll Make You Famous…




Heidi Klum in an Offensive bikini of the Day

Heidi Klum is rich as shit, she’s got no real worries because her life has worked out for her.

She’s a TV host, which means she doesn’t really work too hard. She basically shows up, sits in hair and make-up for a few hours, then sits around on camera where she gets to be herself and say her stupid German commentary.

So she’s got a lot of free time to sit around and think about how old and nasty she’s getting, or to spend being a chronic masturbating sex addicted pervert, who has used that to her advantage.

Which means taking the whoring to Instagram, in a bikini that shows off her bald old lady slab of sloppy joe meat….big tits out at 50 something..and as it turns out, exhibitionism and perversion works even on old ladies so long as those old ladies have womanly bodies…even mid-rot…

So here’s more smut from the Victoria’s Secret model whore in her retirement….

Posted in:Heidi Klum