I'll Make You Famous…




Heather Graham’s Old Flat Ass in a Bikini of the Day

I’ve always hated celebrities, celebrity culture, celebrities being presented as hot chicks, fandom, the whole ecosystem of these idiots and their handlers, all thinking they are so fucking important…

However, I always liked seeing these aspiring actors strip down for any role in hopes of getting noticed, by getting naked, because it reduces them to the whores that they are on a bigger scale than just being whores on the casting couch or whilst working as a waitress hoping to become those celebrities they want so badly to be…

So Heather Graham was a set of hot naked tits in Boogie Nights, she had the MERKIN on and was ready to roll for her breakout role…bringing her tits to our lives for the last 20 years.

She’s old, but not fat, her tits are still intact, just a little more sag to them and because she’s not fat, her ass is pretty flat but that doesn’t stop her from wanting you to jerk off to her….you jerking off to her brought her so much of a life…so why not try to give back or at least keep that energy going….

Heather Graham may be a pile of shit from being famous alone….but she’s got tits and tits and is in a bikini at 50 years old which is worth something…I’m just not sure what…

Posted in:Heather Graham