I'll Make You Famous…




Ozempic Katy Perry Finds the Only Audience Who Likes Her of the Day

Katy Perry performed in a short skirt with a pair of adult diapers shaped like racy panties exposed, because it’s part of her new middle-aged look, since you can’t be a 40+ woman without trying to dress like a 16 year old slut coming into her slut self…

She’s been getting a lot of attention for the mainstream not giving a shit about her music and that the LIBTARD crowd she caters to is finally turning on her, because these woke retards end up eating each other as they get more and more “progressive” in their liberalism….because the more socialist and inclusive things go…the less inclusive it actually is because they close the doors on those who offend them….even if they have the same politics, or at least have been targeted and presented to have the same politics…

So out of touch Perry and her Feminism decided to do some WOMEN’s WORLD video that she now claims is a parody, but that we all know she expected to be an anthem for women everywhere, because they are just dumb and sign-up to that kind of thing. You know, like how the Barbie Movie was presented as a MANGUM OPUS of feminism…”GIRL WORLD” sign me up because I hate penis’ let’s CHOP THEM ALL OFF….not quite grasping the whole concept of feminism because the MAN HATERS have taken the fuck over.

Seeing Katy Perry fail, or get negative press, or re-work her angles has been funny enough to semi-pay attention to, since I think Katy Perry is a fucking joke and her celebrity can’t be explained…

Now she’s working a crowd of gay dudes, knowing gay dudes will alway be excited by a pop star in their presence, because they love to dance to that shit and buy into all that pop culture shit, thanks to being brainwashed or at least HIGH on cum and cock.

They’ve literally got the dick in their ass, so they can’t really see past her sucking, because they are too busy getting their throats ready to suck….HOMO THINGS…

Here’s granny Perry doing gay shit…

Posted in:Katy Perry