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Taryn Manning Tits in Orange Lingerie of the Day

I don’t really remember all that much about Taryn Manning because she wasn’t that substantial of a celebrity and I never found her all that hot. She always had a gutter crackhead look and feel to her, so it’s only naturally that she grew into that persona.

I don’t know whether she’s been a drug addict, or if she’s currently on drugs, but she is pretty fucking old so anything she posts would be pretty gutter regardless of drug addictions or living in gutters.

She posted some mesh orange lingerie outfit that makes her look like she’s got kidney failure and her emaciated body’s veins are trying to jump ship….but it’s the lingerie people.

I am a pervert, so seeing an old lady in lingerie is worth looking at, especially when she’s got big naturals….

Her captions didn’t make sense, like she’s on a Britney Spears hustle….if you can decipher it let me know, but I prefer you spend your time thinking about what her asshole will smell like on your dick….I’m thinking death.

Caption 1:

I just scored an orange tattoo leotard! ? Lingerie on for life forever—no wash, no fuss.

At least when I get arrested for the 16th time, I’ll be rocking it like a carrot stick ?.

Celester aka Karyn 5.0- yeah, that’s right, I’m a hardened criminal, all 100 pounds of me, so watch it. Snitches never end up in good shape ? ish talking loser


Then she followed it up with:

Okay here is the whole tattoo ? omg I definitely need to seek help now huh doc? ????I mean let’s frame the comments! #shockandawe with love ? #carrot #gal.

Okay now I need a sandwich I hear. You know some people eat only when they are hungry. Some people even fast when they love the Lord. I don’t emotionally eat and I’ve been a trained ballerina since I was 11. As well as a martial artist #1 in the state of AZ two years straight. Baton twirler, AYSO about 7 years #, baseball, softball and rollersking plus more. I can hold my breathe for 5 minutes under water. I am a green beret. Shoot weapons, do stunts, yeah I’m thin but all muscle so step back and worry about your health. Can’t be that hungry with those big natural boobies. Step

I guess people called her too skinny, so she had to defend her eating when she’s hungry approach to life, while using her fat tits as proof she’s not malnourished….I dig the logic…MORE OLD LADY TIT TARYN…

Posted in:Taryn Manning