I'll Make You Famous…




Sydney Sweeney’s Tits in Canada of the Day

Sydney Sweeney is probably the most important celebrity of the times, which is inspiring for the diversity and inclusivity movement, because it proves that there is work for woman who have freakishly large tits for their small frames….

What would have once been seen as a birth defect that belonged in a touring circus, or fetish pornography, is now something that can exist in the mainstream….

So despite her having a rockin’ set of tits, she’s been able to make it in America and that’s inspiring….like watching the Special Olympics runners with no legs hop along the track events like that dude who killed his GF in South Africa…

She has taken her DISABILITY and made it her ABILITY….her HANDICAP is her HANDICAPBLE….

A white blonde chick with great tits can live the American Dream in the entertainment industry despite all the adversity…

Incredible walls have been climbed, glass ceilings broken, because never before has a busty blonde made it in entertainment, but I guess Sydney’s talent outshines her tits….


She’s in Toronto promoting some movie.

Posted in:Sydney Sweeney