I'll Make You Famous…




Bella Thorne Putting her Best Pussy Forward of the Day

As you know, women have 3 pussies….mouth, asshole and actual egg hole.

You could get creative with cleavage, fat folds, eye sockets, ear canals and hands and feet, but as far actual orifices that you haven’t cut into them like a psychopath, we’ll stick to the BIG 3…..

In this picture, Bella with ANALOG CIGARETTE, which is pretty hype, like get rid of the fucking digital cigarettes you plastic technology sucking fags….

More importantly, she’s got her hips angled so that her pussy leads the way, tits are close behind, but that pussy forward stance, angling shit to the sky like some kind of pervert trying to show off her cunt, is magical enough for me.

She did some weird body positivity campaign against OZEMPIC about a month ago and I think I’m looking at abs, so I don’t really know where that came from, because bitch isn’t even fat….her pussy and tits are, but that’s the good kind of fat.

Maybe she’s being paid by an OZEMPIC competitor that she’s actively using to thin out….WHO KNOWS…and WHO CARES….

Go through life like Bella Thorne…PUSSY FIRST.

Posted in:Bella Thorne