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Wet Spot Wednesday of the Day

It’s back baby!

It seems like the WET SPOT is a serious fucking trend, where girls are posting ALL kinds of WET SPOT content around the internet, probably to promote their OnlyFans, but since they keep it up, it clearly works.

I assume that the WET SPOT is the equivalent of the unsolicited erection picture, where the girl posting up her soaked panties is thinking it’ll trigger the man into thinking that she’s just SO FUCKING HORNY and ready for them to pull out their credit cards…

Out of context, the WET SPOT could easily be faked, it could be water, it could be anything….it could be ovulation drips, a vaginal infection, some rancid homeless sperm she’s taken because her impregnation fetish isn’t strong enough unless it’s made weirder by adding homelessness to it….

I mean UNHOUSED….the DEI experts have told me – don’t call them HOMELESS that’s racist….

In context, a wet pussy is a glorious thing, a manipulative thing, the kind of thing you’d give up your worldly fortunes for….but thankfully you’re broke and have nothing to lose….just not broke enough to appeal to a woman with an impregnation by a homeless man fetish….


In conclusion, ya’ll are a bunch of fucking gross motherfuckers out there..

Posted in:Wet Spot