Charli XCX has properly sucked the collective dick of the industry and was given the opportunity to have a hit song, the song of the summer, a MEME song….that people quoted and referenced because the people of the internet are an embarrassing group and the reason I suggest you log off forever and start living outside of this terrible prison of the screen….
She’s had the solid fat tits since she first hit the scene when tapping into the US Market early on in her career, but she was also chubby, so it wasn’t all that impressive.
She did her variation of Lady Gaga and whoever else she was ripping off before eventually being a viral tiktok soundbite for the world.
She went to an event, because she’s important, and her tits are out, which are important because if you’re going to make me talk or write about famous idiots who aren’t that impressive or hot despite the fame and money they have because the world is low bar and low expectations and will buy into any pile of shit they are told to, they need to be showing off their fat heavy set tits.
That face, those eyebrows, those bags under her eyes all scare me….I mean if she’s not a demon there are definitely demons up inside her…probably in the butt plug she’s wearing to keep herself looking as excited as she does in these pics…..but luckily the tits are great, erasing that mean scowl and they make me want to rejoice like I was the butt plug she was wearing.
Posted in:Charli XCX