I'll Make You Famous…




Instagram Account of the Day

Her name is Marlyn and she is a product of our times who produces the important content of our times. This is our renaissance painting, or masterpieces, all in the form of sleazy clickbait thirst traps designed to seduce the loser man into paying up.

She is a 19 year old with the ass of a 45 year old mother of three that may have the same mileage, but we’re not here to judge, we’re here to celebrate how amazing the world in which we live is. Plus, we’re sophisticated enough to know that just because you give off slut energy on the internet doesn’t mean you’re a slut in real life, you’re just an enterprising young person.

When a culture is rewarded for producing low level smut, finding the audience of loser dudes with credit cards eager to pay up, you’d have to be an idiot not o jump in ass first.

It may appear as some bottom feeding desperation, but at the same time the ass in question could belong to a brilliant hustler, this is just what brilliance and hustling looks like in this era.

I saw some troll looking bitch on Reddit looking for an accountant because after 3 years of IG whoring, she’s broke 6 figures and wants to do her taxes right.

She was a troll looking bitch people, making 100k or more per year because dudes are pathetic losers.

If she was in the actual workforce, she’d be working a Starbucks or some marketing company for 50k a year and it would require going to work. YUCKY.

If the market and the audience are such losers willing to throw their dollars at a chick, CATCH THOSE DOLLARS while they are available.

These things are cyclical and people are already bored of the self produced, self promoted, scheming “buy my nudes” angle that OnlyFans is built on.

So the gold rush era of easy pickings will dry up, but before it does, these asses keep ending up on instagram and I keep looking at them.

Posted in:Instagram Babe


