There was a time that Adriana Lima was seen as the hottest of the Victoria’s Secret models.
It was an era where Victoria’s Secret used chicks the way they were born to be used. you know sexualized and jerked off to, with their rockin’ bodies that the average chick didn’t have, but should have, so it gives them a guide to follow.
It was an era where there were more hot chicks, or girls trying to be hot chicks, and less girls who threw in the towel as they go to Walmart in their pajamas.
It feels like it was 30 years ago, because it was, and I’m not sure what that says about Lima as she powers through menopause, looking more fit than she did ever 5 years ago….
It could be Ozempic or the Testosterone because she’s a Brazilian and there’s a 50 percent chance she was born with a cock….
Posted in:Adriana Lima