Here’s a Millie Bobby Brown Jon Bon Jovi Jr fetish video for you to jerk off to because you’re a creepy Stranger Things fan and appreciate their main character now that she’s in her 20s with some tits and not 7 years old….you’re weird but not that weird.
She’s fake smoking for the smoking fetishists out there who crave a woman with a real cigarette….you know who you are.
I’m a libertarian who doesn’t trust government regulation, so I feel like we’ve been lied to about the health benefits of smoking, which is why they fear monger and make smoking unaffordable for the ghetto poor people…
Tobacco is probably actually a superfood…that kills the NANOBOTS they spray us with…
That being said, VAPES are fucking gay and anyone who smokes plastic dildos deserves VAPE LUNG…when you can just smoke a fucking cigarette like a man…
YES this is a pro smoking cigarette piece….with some cleavage of a child star who is no longer a child, but rather a married wife…posing with a cake she may have cake farted but edited that part out because she’s trying to build a mainstream brand here…the REAL fetish content is reserved for when the cameras are off….we just get the low level fetish content.
Posted in:Millie Bobby Brown