Hailee Steinfeld is more than just hooker hair from the 80s, she’s arguably an actual hooker, because she uses her body to make money.
Whether that’s in the Hollywood movies that have made her a bit of an A-Lister, or in her shitty pop career she actually toured, or with her NFL playing star husband who just scored one of the biggest contracts in NFL history, with 1/4 of a billion dollars guaranteed to him all because he can throw a ball better than Hailee throws balls with the back of her mouth.
Apparently, she’s also a hooker for her own brand, but being a hooker in general, especially a high profile one, she gets to be a well paid hooker for other brands as well.
She partnered with a shampoo brand, bringing that hooker hair in a tight dress you can probably jerk off to.
It’s some high paid, but really boring fucking content piece….
Brands haven’t realized they should use those budgets to do something compelling iwth the content…
Instead they do a hold a bottle and smile instead and there’s no way any consumer is like “GET ME SOME OF THAT”….unless they are referencing her tits in the tight dress…..because GET ME SOME OF THAT….
Posted in:Hailee Steinfeld