I'll Make You Famous…




Pussy Wedgie Wednesday of the Day

The only point of wearing pants is to have them jacked up inside you so that you know you’ve got them on proper, otherwise anything could happen….like perverts like me not actually getting a sense of pussy shape and size in said pants…which as it turns out is a pretty important thing to get a sense of when your life fucking sucks and you have nothing to look forward to but the the slutty women in tight pants showing you their genitals for free….

They say nothing is for free and pussy of all things tends to be very expensive, or at least you get what you pay for…but thanks to the toxic male gaze that women inadvertently dress for, not realizing they dress for it, the tight pussy hugging pants make stranger pussy free…and that’s fucking wonderful, a wonder of the world or soem shit…a sign that it’s not all bad…

Even yesterday, I stared at some over fit, starves herself, over-jogger in the skimpiest shorts and she was basically nothing but one giant pussy thanks to having no fat anywhere else…and it was glorious…

So here are some pussy in pants…for us to enjoy!

Posted in:Pussy Wedgie