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Em Rata Gets Called Out for Being a Titty Whore of the Day

Em Rata is trying to make a news story out of how abused she is, and not because her face is fucking mangled and looks like it’s been all swelled up after being in a boxing match with an angry husband when dinner wasn’t made on time…


As a libtard attention seeking man hater, she has to pretend this is the kind of misogynistic abuse she has to go through living in NYC…..the REVERSE CAT CALL.

What she’s not understanding is that the world isn’t an instagram feed trying to get as many likes and follows as it can get to monetize it appropriately….and despite having some rockin’ tits, maybe people don’t like the shamelessness of it all….maybe the titty lovers out there see her public walk of whoredom as vile, gross, attention seeking, negative, a bad influence on children, inappropriate…because it is.

I love tits as much as the next guy and I would tell a whore like her to “TAKE IT OFF”…but that’s just because my misogyny doesn’t seek decency, it seeks thick feeder nips…but I totally understand why someone would say “Have some self respect and some modesty you clown faced baboon”….and really why would someone want to go through life being confused for a gutter stripper or hooker, when they’ve got the money and resources to not be that….

The real question is what went wrong in DOG FACED PONY BOY’s life that has made her crave the MALE gaze so much, only to complain about it….

Was she not hot growing up, did she not get mail attention, is her dad an art fag or a diddler…I mean…why is Em Rata such a shameless whore even when middle aged…

I don’t like contributing this or helping it become a story, but seeing her told to put a shirt on cuz street walking with your tits out for attention is sad and MODEST IS THE HOTTEST…is pretty funny.

Funnier if she staged the whole incident for attention….which she would totally do considering the fact that she happened to be selfie-ing her made up face precisely when that happened.

Unless she’s always filming herself and that clown face….people just aren’t that LUCKY in their content capture…

SHOCKING…..EM RATA being a FRAUD…and committing to her bullshit…right.

Posted in:Em Rata