I'll Make You Famous…




Kylie Jenner Hard Tween Nipple of the Day

Kylie Jenner is the forgotten Kardashian. The last to be squirted or shat out of her mother’s opportunistic pussy….before the menopause hit…and the marketing of the other sisters started….

She’s the last teen in line to either draw attention to the family, at least until the grandkids are old enough to start whoring…and I guess she’s feeling either a little back burnered, like all the attention is going to the Kendall Jenner who is over 18, posing topless as a “model” and living the good life…so she’s decided to be a little edgier…all done up by showing off hard nipple, that looks like it is pierced, because she’s more hardcore, “ratchet” and hood than the one who think shs’s a fucking model…

What it all comes down to is that she’s just another girl, who wants attention, only unlike the girls on instagram you jerk off to, she actually makes money doing this nonsense, because she’s positioned properly…and as much as she represents all that is good about social media, like Narcissists showing off their tits…she also represents all this is bad…and that is that they can one day be rewarded for this…but then again, without the one girl who made it, like the Lottery Winner they show you on TV, all the bottom feeders need her as a beacon of hppe that one day, their whoring will pay off too….and I’m willing to watch and participate, because porn is boring, but NUDES are my everything…

That said, send Nudes.

Posted in:Kylie Jenner