I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Marie Antoinette Trailer of the Day

So motherfuckers take a boring story and try to make it look hip by adding a rock soundtrack and name dropping Sofia Copola’s name, someone who hipsters fucking love beacause they think they are supposed to love her in order to be hip. They also use the neon pink font that they got from 35% of hipster t-shirts and 90% of hipster magazines, resonate with their little hipster brains just how fucking hip this movie is going to be. Like using Chinese symbols to communicate with a China-man. The main message of all this hogwash is to to show us how crazy this cunt Antoinette is and that all you fucking hipsters need to ackowledge this cunt Antoinette as the first ever hipster…ever. This is proven by her partying and rebelious ways, her wild outfits and her “outrageous” behavior. Let’s face it, Hipsters live for the fucking party and hipsters like to rebel against their family by dressing like clowns and ripping lines of cocaine in club bathrooms and on leather couches in artist loft spaces, funded by the trust funds daddy set up 10 years earler.

The biggest mistake in making this movie other than making this movie and marketing it to the “cool” kids was casting Kirsten Dunst. No one will ever buy into this bitch as queen of anything but maybe a dollar store, an eating disorder, a prescription pill addiction and a likely, but not confirmed STD. Just look at her sluttin out and pickin her slut nose. Slut.

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