I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Mischa Barton's Bra of the Day


Here are some pictures of Mischa Barton wearing a bra and a doily…I don’t know why I know what a doily is but I don’t know what a doily is for. I just know that it is crocheted which may be even gayer than knowing what a doily is. I guess in this case this luxurious shirt-sized doily is used to cover up her useless man-tits, less of an O.C. and more of an O.A, if you know what I mean.

Speaking of gay, cross-dressing, and crochet, I was forced to watch a movie where George Costanza plays a fag with AIDs, a redundant statement, I know. But what I don’t know is what it was called, a friend of mine rented it for a dollar and made me watch it. He passed out about 5 minutes in, which made me happy because otherwise I woulda thought he was trying to give me a little AIDs of his own, and by AIDs I mean try to rape me in the ass. I never thought this friend of mine was a homo, but anyone who rents this kind of gay propaganda films is a little suspect. You can’t get much gayer than men on men kissing AIDS lesions, that is hands down gayer than bicycle shorts …

I guess this post was more of a movie review than anything..and it sucked because it isn’t funny, or interesting, but it’s 4 am and I want to sleep, I just sat through a shitty movie and I had to listen to my dirty friend snore and smell my wife’s ass from the other room. She sweats alot. Now the asshole who brought the gay movie here is asleep on the couch and that means I have to go crawl into bed with my wet stinky wife, something I’ve putting off for a few hours now….

So, here are those Barton pics…

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