I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Nicollette Sheridan’s See Through of the Day


I am not really up to date on the Nip Slip thing because I am too busy watching the wall. I have no idea if I have ever posted these before because I have no fucking memory. I just go through the motions of like. I am the type of guy you need to be introduced to 20 times before I kinda remember you and the type of guy who anywhere I go I think I recognize random people. Whenever I watch movies, I always think I recognize the actors in it, and I am always wrong, so coming here for fresh content is really no something you should do. I am sure I have seen these pictures before, but all see through shirts look the fucking same. So do all washed up 40 year old blond actresses.

Either way, this cocksucker didn’t get the email that I am never on time…because this is what he wrote me:

goddamnit jesus. months ago i emailed you, with a link to my blog. it was leaps and bounds a better blog than your repetitive shit. yet despite the fact that i’m a mexican look-a-like, and you are a legit mexican, you still refused to link to my blog. clearly a bullshit move, but i still kept reading your blatantly homosexual blog. anyway, i checked out your steplinks of the day and you had that article about the wrestling team with herpes. i know you admit that the shit you post is older than your mom, who i’ve got on the floor sucking my dick, but seriously? really? really?? that story is fucking old. i’m talking mid december old. i heard about it a couple of days before the story hit the news, because my little cousin goes there, but either way, that shit is old. and i’ll save you the trouble of making some lame joke…yes, my cousin has herpes. he got it from your fat whore wife. i don’t write on my blog anymore, because unlike you i do something with my life and don’t have time for it anymore, but you should link to it anyway, you lazy mexican fuck, because the shit i did write, even if its older than your sorry atempts at humor, is better than anything you’ve got on your site.

not as fat, or as mexican as you,

My response is that I have no fucking idea what this fucker is talking about. I link what is convenient to link like sites sending me traffic and shit people email in and shit I find. I am not here to promote some cocksuckers blog. Based on his writing, his jokes are weak, standard and played the fuck out. I never said I was funny, I never tried to be funny, if you find this site funny, you are laughing at me and not with me.

That’s ok, because I am laughing at Nicollette Sheridan for banging Michael Bolton, he’s gayer than bicycle shorts but not as gay as DJ AM.

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