I am on Rihanna’s side when it comes to what she puts in her box….because I am an understanding dude….and realize that I don’t give a fuck about what Rihanna puts in her box….on any and all levels…seriously…I don’t think I would care if she put a loaded gun in her box and started playing Russian Roulette with her pussy cuz it is her only friend…..in efforts to die from the vag wound cuz she hates herself, what she’s become in some crazed rich person insanity….
You see cuz firstly, she’s a puppet on TV and not a real person….secondly, she’s a ghetto pile of trash who is built to have fist fights with her man….thirdly, I am not even convinced the Chris Brown thing was real, but that instead it was a platform to lauch her more “adult’ and serious post-umbrella pop tart shit….and it allowed her to be half naked a lot, smoke weed a lot, and everyone though “oh poor Rihanna” cuz everyone is an idiot who buys into this shit…..and no one realizes that in order to attain her level of fame…or have to be an evil soulless person…and I get it….we don’t want our kids believing that forgiving a man who beats a woman is right…and we don’t want our kids snuggling up next to guys who publicly admitted to choking a bitch out but never went to jail for it….and who I have a feeling have been making money off every one of her records….if someone would just investigate a little….so maybe we should turn off the TV, turn off the radio, put on some real music and not expose them to this evil Hollywood smut bullshit in the first fucking place….It is all lies…and even if dude beat the fuck out of her every night and still does…who fucking cares….and if she ends up murdered in one of his rage the lord has made her forgive, cuz she’s ignorant and into jesus like that….who fucking cares…she’s just livin’ her life….like her song said…oh my there’s so much truth to her work…she’s a real artist….fuck yourself.
Posted in:Rihanna