I'll Make You Famous…




Brie Larson in Leggings Climbing Shit of the Day

I don’t really care of Brie Larson, but she reminds us of how bullshit the entertainment industry is….

You can win an Oscar for a movie you barely got paid to be in…but that you did because you knew it would be a success because you have been in the industry and you know it hits on a lot of key points….and that really anyone could have played just as well as her…since good acting is really just a product of good writing…I mean all these puppets are interchangeable…

I never found her hot, even as an abducted teen mom….but I do find it weird when you go from seemingly taking the “art” of acting to being in comic book action movies…insane…

The point of selling the fuck out for cash…

The point where she’s not getting any younger…

But at least she posts climbing pics from climbing gyms of her in leggings….even if there’s not too much to look at…but what may be a diaper…

Posted in:Brie Larson|SFW