Ariana Grande is engaged to some quirky looking guy she’s been dating for a month because I guess they really connected on SNL and I guess she’s just a fucking headcase who has a lot of trauma from being a child star whored out by her parents, to a popstar who gets her fans killed, to someone constantly cheated on by her Jewish rapping boyfriend, that she went with some autistic looking comedian who is totally obsessed with her like some kind of homo, since homos fucking love popstars…
He’s got in her pants, probably exciting to get with a famous person rather than SNL groupies, they are rich, they are media whores…and it’s all nonsense I shouldn’t even know…but I do prefer when Grande was suffering PTSD in her house, outside of the limelight, rather than trying to prove to her ex boyfriend she doesn’t need him, at the expense of some poor weird guy’s feelings…cuz that dude has no idea what’s coming for him…
She’s a devil, we saw her hate America in that viral video she was rude to a donut shop owner…we know…she is garbage…and here she is…not looking quite like Ariana Grande Dyking down…

Ariana lookin slutty for vogue
Posted in:Ariana Grande|Nicki Minaj|SFW