I'll Make You Famous…




Lily Rose Depp Hard Nipples of the Day

Lily Rose Depp Braless White Shirt Hard Nipples

Do you realize who her dad is?

I’ll let you guess?

No wait, I can’t hold it in anymore, I’m about to fucking burst in excitement….her dad is Johnny Depp..

Being a Depp, means you have access to pretty much fucking everything, you’re entitled, you’re spoiled, you have access, you are just born better than the rest of us…and are thus more important than us…because your dad got paid lots and lots of money to be in the movies that don’t actually matter in the grand scheme of the improvement of the world.

Sure I like some of his movies, but can objectively say that these idiots are paid too much, their importance inflated…and when they breed that trickles down to their heirs…

I will say that Lily Rose Depp is hot, I think she’s great and I love that she doesn’t wear a bra, she’s got a European mom and is by default European…she even speaks FRENCH…so no bra isn’t a big deal..even though the french technically invented lingerie, as well as topless beaches…

So her posting up her nipples to socialmedia.. Fantastic use of her celebrity that she has not due to her own merit but based on her father and last name alone…the legacy….which I guess is better than being the owner of the club River Phoenix died at…cuz you can jerk off to this one with more ease to that…


Posted in:Lily Rose Depp|SFW