I'll Make You Famous…




Heidi Klum Slutty on Instagram of the Day

I like to call Heidi Klum’s pussy “Grey Matter”…or Grey Anatomy…or Grey Zone….you know because when it’s not shaved bald…it’s natural whiteness grows out…sure she can pass it off as a natural blond..but we know bitch is 300 years old…

But she’s out there in a bikini, still looking good, giving old ladies hope that they can still be considered sex objects into their 50s after being banged out by the kids, thanks to Eugenics from Nazi Germany, or maybe her vanity and pile of money to do whatever she can to stay hot. This is the world of MedicalSpas and Injections. Who fucking knows what she’s doing but I know the 50 year olds around me don’t look like this and that’s too bad..but luckily there are Heidi Klums out there to make them feel shitty about themselves, giving me more opportunity to convince them to fuck. Not that I want to fuck 50 year olds ever, but you take what you can get…or what requires the least effort.

Posted in:Heidi Klum|SFW