Alexis Ren has a dead mother, at least I think that’s what I remember, because when she was doing Dancing with the Stars she was saying shit like “THIS IS FOR YOU MOM”….cuz I guess her mom was a stage parent who wanted her girl to dance her way to the top…whether at Disney, in Movies, or working the pole at a random Vegas stipclub…you do what you gotta do….or maybe her mom just really liked Dancing with the Stars…that Julianne Hough bitch and her Modest Mormonism can really move…
That said, I don’t remember what day it is most days, so I could be completely wrong about the dead mom thing, I just feel like as someone with a dead mom, I can connect and relate to all the other people with dead moms….and I remember when one has a dead mom…cuz I am like “I feel you girl, let me feel you girl”….
Well, what better way to celebrate her dead mom than by busting out her fake tits that her mom didn’t even give her as a legacy, unless she bought them with her inheritance money…in which case “thanks mom”…
Posted in:Alexis Ren