I'll Make You Famous…




Ashley Tisdale Ugly Check Bikini Edition of the Day

Ashley TIsdale Ugly Check Bikini

Ashley Tisdale is still ugly….

I used to do a feature when she was a High School Musical starlet that got a lot of hype, that would basically just call her ugly, I didn’t go so far as to highlight or put arrows to her ugliness, but I assume the 2 readers who read it understood what I was getting at when I laughed at her botched nose, or whatever.

The inspiration behind my hatred wasn’t that I was an incel woman hating asshole, even though that is what the simple minded assumed….my inspiration was that she was nominated for an MTV award for being the hottest starlet on TV or something…and I was like “FAKE NEWS” and had to do my part to counter those lies…

In my calling her not hot, I did give her credit for fitness, cuz you can’t just slam some girl for having an ugly face, when we’re more into her body anyway, the world needs balance…you know accept that she’s not hot, but still fuck her cuz she’s got a hot pussy or tits or whatever.

She has since let herself go, this was years ago, and she must be 35 by now….but she has figured out angles and that upper stomach “AB” looking thing …while she shamelessly bikini selfies….and the fact that spellcheck doesn’t flag selfie as a word that shouldn’t exist is partially to blame for this…


Posted in:Ashley Tisdale|SFW