Elsa Hosk is probably the best or at least one of the best 30 year old Victoria’s Secret models who is misrepresenting the women that she is selling panties to…cuz none of them look like this…but that’s just the fucking way it is motherfuckers…
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, real life is ugly….real life sex is ugly…real life women are ugly…the small percentage that are hot, know they are hot, and are not out there fucking guys like you…so when it comes to marketing, TV shows, Movies, ANYTHING…I want to see hotness….
I don’t want the internet, commercials, marketing, story telling to be TOO real…I want it to be Hollywood real…so when you see poor people in Hollywood movies from the 90s, they are basically upper middle class, when you see homeless people in movies, they are basically good looking with dirt make-up on their face, when you see fat chicks, they are average sized chicks, when you see old chicks, they are like 40, it’s just the way to keep a storyline going, to give us hope and to make us feel miserable that our lives are just so much worse than HOLLYWOOD rendition of life….cuz we know reality versus TV…and we know that not all girls look like VS models, unfortunately, but we’re glad those who do are out there being celebrated and paid, so we can jerk off to their tits at an event…because this DIY amateur shit dressed like the VS models doesn’t do the same thing for my PENIS…I have enough real life in real life…give me more unrealistic expectations because I know the difference between my real life and fantasy….and I don’t feel pressured to try to fit into that fantasy life because that’s for the chosen few…let them fucking shine….while the rest of us fucking suck…if you know what I mean…

Posted in:Elsa Hosk