McKayla Maroney bringing the slutty like a victim of abuse who was paid off by the US Gymnastics team to stand alone and not speak out on the abuse….instead of saying no to the money and standing with her girls who were also molested by the team doctor and who will likely get better payouts thanks to it being a huge fucking story that showed nothing by negligence on the part of the PARENTS WHO ARE SUPPOSED TO PROTECT THEIR KIDS….but WHO WERE INSTEAD MORE INTERESTED IN THE HOPE OF OLYMPIC STARDOM….but also on the part of the US TEAM who is supposed to not let their teen athletes get fingered by the team doctor for decades across countless star athletes…
Point being, she’s been silent for a solid year, which was the opposite of what happened after the OLYMPICS when she became a total fucking MEME…who turned to sexualizing herself for attention until the scandal hit and she went radio silent…
I guess she feels enough time has passed, the smoke has drifted, and its a good time to bring that fit gymnast ass to the fucking internet….and that’s ok…even though she’s a terrible person who chose self interest instead of the interest of other victims…what a bitch…

Posted in:McKayla Maroney|SFW